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1. " The competitive determinants of a firms environmental management activities : evidence from US manufacturing industries ".

by Hofer, Christian.

Edition: 30(1-2), Ja 2012.Source: Journal of Opertion Management.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [SL HOF] (1).
2. "Biotech, finally".

by Arnst, Catherine et. al.

Edition: Je 13, 2005Source: Business WeekAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL ARN] (1).
3. "Making pills the smart way".

by Carey, John.

Edition: My 3, 2004Source: Business Week.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL CAR] (1).
4. "Turning our backs on tech".

by Colvin, Geoff.

Edition: 156 (2), Jl 23, 2007Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL COL] (1).
5. "Combination therapy".

Edition: 374(8415), F 26, 2005.Source: The Economist.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL COM] (1).
6. "Aerospace".

by Crork, Stan.

Edition: Ja. 8, 2001.Source: Business Week.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL CRO] (1).
7. "Ship shape".

by Demos, Telis.

Edition: 155 (8), My 14, 2007Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL DEM] (1).
8. "Unleashing the Chinese consumer".

by Dobbs, Richard.

Edition: 154 (11) , Se 14, 2009.Source: Newsweek.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL DOB] (1).
9. "Eastern Germany's sunny future".

by Dumiak, Michael.

Edition: 155 (9), My 28, 2007Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL DUM] (1).
10. "A new computer in the chip race".

by Einhorn, Bruce.

Edition: Ap 26, 2004Source: Business WeekAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL EIN] (1).
11. "Fixing the drugs pipeline".

Edition: 370 (8366), Mr 13, 2004Source: The Economist.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL FIX] (1).
12. "Is your restroom clean?".

by Gerodias, Rommel S.

Edition: 5 (3), My-Je 2008.Source: F&B World.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL GER] (1).
13. "Stocks, bonds or jets".

by Gimbel, Barney.

Edition: 155 (10), Je 11, 2007Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL GIM] (1).
14. "Microsoft plays video leapfrog".

by Greene, Jay.

Edition: My 10, 2004Source: Business Week.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL GRE] (1).
15. "China Inc. takes off ".

by Gunther, Marc.

Edition: 160 (2) , Jl 20, 2009Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL GUN] (1).
16. "Sugar! color! process variation and quality control".

by Hughes, Michael.

Edition: 42(1):Jr 2010.Source: IE.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL HUG] (1).
17. "The information technology 100".

Edition: Je 21, 2004Source: Business WeekAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL INF] (1).
18. "Videogames : competitive thrills".

by Lee, B.J.

Edition: 149 (26), Je 25, 2007.Source: Newsweek.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LEE] (1).
19. "Shell shakedown".

by Lustgarten, Abrahm.

Edition: 155 (2), F 5, 2007.Source: Fortune.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LUS] (1).
20. "The right prescription".

by Mason, Sarah.

Edition: 35 (1), Ja 2003Source: Industrial Engineer.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL MAS] (1).

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