"Agos ng sining".
by Jose, Leslie Ann V.
Edition: 35 (45), N 5, 2006Source: Philippine PanoramaAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL JOS] (1).
"Legislative agenda on the economic crisis".
by Lapus, Jesli A.
Edition: 48 (4), O 1998Source: Accountants' JournalAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LAP] (1).
"SONA during the war".
by de Leon, Raul A.
Edition: 35 (48), N 26, 2006Source: Philippine PanoramaAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LEO] (1).
"Violence and intrigue".
by Lopez, Antonio.
Edition: 27(1), Ja 12, 2001Source: AsiaWeekAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LOP] (1).
"Badly damaged goods".
by Lopez, Antonio.
Edition: 26 (50), D 22, 2000.Source: Asiaweek.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LOP] (1).
"Is she ready to rule?".
by Lopez, Antonio.
Edition: 26 (43), N 3, 2000.Source: Asiaweek.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LOP] (1).
"Partners in progress".
by Lu, Roxanne V.
Edition: 15 (1), Ja-F 2008.Source: Philippine BusinessAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LU] (1).
"The youth towards global competitiveness".
by Luz, Nelson Felicisimo D.
Edition: 55 (9), F 2007Source: The Modern Teacher.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL LUZ] (1).
"The Philippine expanded witholding tax system".
by Mamalateo, Victorino C.
Edition: Jl 1991Source: Accountants' Journal.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL MAM] (1).
"Taxation of employees".
by Mamalateo, Victorino.
Edition: 48 (2), Ap 1998.Source: Accountants' Journal.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL MAM] (1).
"Has divorce entered the catholic Philippine legal system?".
by Martinez, Arnold.
Edition: 54 (10), D 2008.Source: Homelife.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL MAR] (1).
"Establishment of one-year pre-baccalaureate system : a critique".
by Nostratis, Rosalie S.
Edition: 85 (10), Mr 2007.Source: The Philippine Journal of Education.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL NOS] (1).
"Peace in our time, maybe". Edition: 388 (8592), Ag 9, 2008.Source: The Economist.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL PEA] (1).
"The Philippines' next president: another Aquino". Edition: 395(8682):My 15, 2010.Source: The Economist.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL PHI] (1).
"Profiles of Philippine national heroes". Edition: 35(35), Ag 27, 2006Source: Philippine PanoramaAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL PRO] (1).
"Explaining math and science achievement of public school children in the Philippines".
by Quimbo, Stella Luz A.
Edition: 40 (2), D 2003Source: The Philippine Review of Economics.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL QUI] (1).
"The elites vs. Estrada".
by Reyes, Alejandro.
Edition: 26 (45), N 17, 2000.Source: Asiaweek.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL REY] (1).
"Outlook 2009: Why recession is unlikely".
by Reyes, Noel G.
Edition: 16(1) , Ja/Fe 2009.Source: Philippine Business.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL REY] (1).
"Gloria in extremis".
by Ritter, Peter.
Edition: 170(19):N 12, 2007.Source: Time.Availability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL RIT] (1).
"The ultimate soap".
by Robles, Raissa.
Edition: 27(1), Ja 12, 2001Source: AsiaWeekAvailability: Items available for loan: STV Main Library - Serials [PER-SL ROB] (1).